The Race

Join us at 7am on December 14th, 2025 for what is currently the highest rated marathon in the state of Texas ( You’ll have the opportunity to explore the Bryan/College Station community as well as experience the Aggie spirit while you run throughout the Texas A&M campus.

The race courses are primarily flat and fast, and the route includes plenty of shady neighborhoods, several golf courses, and enough crowd support to help you get to the finish for your first time or your fastest time. The marathon course has a few rolling hills miles 11 – 13, but is otherwise flat. The marathon course is USAT&F certified and a Boston Marathon qualifying race.

Aid Stations/Port-a-Potties

Aid stations will be every 1.5 miles and include CForce water and lemon lime Gatorade. We will have vanilla GU, oranges, bananas, skittles, and gummy bears available at the following aid stations:

6.0 Half

6.0 Full, 12 Full, 18 Full, 22.5 Full

Port-a-potties will be approximately every 3 miles starting at mile 3.

Course Time Limit

The time limit for completing the marathon is six and a half hours. The course closes on a rolling schedule based on a 15:00 per mile pace (6 hours and 30 minutes total) for both the half and full marathons. The half marathon converges with the full marathon around mile 8, which allows half marathoners extra time to complete the race after that point.

Race Benefits

Everyone will receive a participant shirt and all Marathon and Half Marathon finishers will receive a finisher’s jacket and custom finisher’s medal. Relay runners will receive  participant shirt and a finisher’s medal. You can also expect a post race party with a food and beer spread that rivals any large marathon in Texas! 

See you on December 14th!